Eva Amsler, Switzerland

The Alumni Mastermind

Together we can exchange, learn and inspire
Together we can share from the heart and support each other
Together we can raise the energy level and maintain a higher vibration
Together we can co-create and keep changing the world

Hello Alumni,

Proximity is power! Join me in my Alumni Mastermind group where we strengthen community and explore a variety of topics. From life and career paths to musical & flutistic challenges to pedagogy and body health, this group will gather to share and connect.

The Alumni Mastermind consists of a bi-weekly zoom meet up, quarterly trainings, and a private Facebook group to stay in touch, ask questions, exchange ideas and celebrate success and victories together. Enrollment begins December 4th!  Meetings will take place each month on the first Friday and the third Wednesday at 11:00 AM Eastern Time.

If you are interested to take part in this wonderful community and have access to such an incredible collective of experience, knowledge and wisdom become a member of The Alumni Mastermind!  I can’t wait to see you there my dear Alumni and esteemed colleagues. And I feel honored and deeply grateful to welcome you warmly to TAM.

Yours truly,

Eva Amsler

Are you ready to be a part of The Alumni Mastermind?

FSU Flute Alumni
Enrollment open December 4-18, 2023

Austrian & Bolivian Flute Alumni
Enrollment to be announced in 2024