Eva Amsler, Switzerland

Body Awareness

The aim of the Feldenkrais Method is a person that is organized to move with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, not through muscular strength, but through increased consciousness of how movement works.
~Moshe Feldenkrais

Body awareness and the art of observation both lead you into learning how to be more conscious about your body (actually feeling it truly) and are so crucial to me. I think, it is even more the case now in the 21. Century with all the outside distraction to dedicate time and loving attention to our bodies – the vehicle for this life time on the earth. In addition, it is a never ending journey throughout one’s life – in a certain way, I feel today, that the body is teaching me. And as I grow older I am getting better in listening….

I still very much enjoy to teach workshops in Dynamic Integration and use the method in my summer camps and often during residencies at schools. I offer one on one and group classes for all musicians, including conductors – with and without instruments.

Find below my thoughts on body awareness and a few thoughts about my personal path at your convenience.

“For any musician the body is an instrument used to play the musical instrument.”